
I know this is an American majority thread and I am not bashing your country just hear me out, this is a genuine observation.

没有放弃太多背景,我从伦敦搬到纽约今年大约4个years in后台。我现在在银行业工作,只在这里呆了6个月,但我不禁感到纽约即使您有大量的花钱,也不像电影中的那样。


I can't really explain what I mean but for my British peersNY当您真正居住在这里时,具有与诺丁汉或利物浦大致相同的“能量”。我认为我正在寻找的单词也许是“充满活力”的?NYis more similar to what I imagined Gotham would feel like than the city portrayed in Wolf of Wall Street.

另一个例子,这听起来可能超级幼稚,但我有一个与我的弟弟共同发现了一个超级汽车的博客,该博客始于伦敦,甚至是La Ferrari都不难以找到放大,有时甚至能够与拥有者。自从我到达这里以来,这个博客大部分都死了,甚至还没有看到458个意大利和豪华车主NY(AMG GT, Porsche) look terrified (I am black but this doesn't happen in London) and always wave me away when I approach their car. Everyone acts like their lives are always in danger which is strange because I thoughtNYwas safer than it has ever been.


我告诉我的一个英国朋友,他住在洛杉矶,他说,除了天气外,洛杉矶和伦敦的富裕和时尚部分与伦敦和伦敦和伦敦的生活方式更相似NY, 这是真的?


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2021年11月9日至8:48 AM


Have you not been paying attention lmao? Like纽约不像以前那样安全



I know this is an American majority thread and I am not bashing your country just hear me out, this is a genuine observation.



I can't really explain what I mean but for my British peersNY当您真正居住在这里时,具有与诺丁汉或利物浦大致相同的“能量”。我认为我正在寻找的单词也许是“充满活力”的?NYis more similar to what I imagined Gotham would feel like than the city portrayed in Wolf of Wall Street.

另一个例子,这听起来可能超级幼稚,但我有一个与我的弟弟共同发现了一个超级汽车的博客,该博客始于伦敦,甚至是La Ferrari都不难以找到放大,有时甚至能够与拥有者。自从我到达这里以来,这个博客大部分都死了,甚至还没有看到458个意大利和豪华车主NY(AMG GT, Porsche) look terrified (I am black but this doesn't happen in London) and always wave me away when I approach their car. Everyone acts like their lives are always in danger which is strange because I thoughtNYwas safer than it has ever been.


我告诉我的一个英国朋友,他住在洛杉矶,他说,除了天气外,洛杉矶和伦敦的富裕和时尚部分与伦敦和伦敦和伦敦的生活方式更相似NY, 这是真的?

大声笑,对于伦敦然后搬到美国的人,我不得不说我何时访问NY, to see a GF at the time. She took me around the state and I really was not impressed. I think L. A was much better. I work, interact with people fromNY一直以来与他们进行讨论。这归结为个人品味,甚至芝加哥也更好,但这是我的个人品味。我正在比较其他城市,例如伦敦,利物浦,诺丁汉,洛杉矶,圣地亚哥,旧金山,萨克拉曼多,达拉斯,休斯顿,休斯敦,凤凰城,拉斯维加斯,里诺,巴黎,巴黎等等。迈阿密/博卡的评估和杜比是地方。

  • 2


I know this is an American majority thread and I am not bashing your country just hear me out, this is a genuine observation.

没有放弃太多背景,我从伦敦搬到纽约今年大约4个years in后台。我现在在银行业工作,只在这里呆了6个月,但我不禁感到纽约即使您有大量的花钱,也不像电影中的那样。


I can't really explain what I mean but for my British peersNY当您真正居住在这里时,具有与诺丁汉或利物浦大致相同的“能量”。我认为我正在寻找的单词也许是“充满活力”的?NYis more similar to what I imagined Gotham would feel like than the city portrayed in Wolf of Wall Street.

另一个例子,这听起来可能超级幼稚,但我有一个与我的弟弟共同发现了一个超级汽车的博客,该博客始于伦敦,甚至是La Ferrari都不难以找到放大,有时甚至能够与拥有者。自从我到达这里以来,这个博客大部分都死了,甚至还没有看到458个意大利和豪华车主NY(AMG GT, Porsche) look terrified (I am black but this doesn't happen in London) and always wave me away when I approach their car. Everyone acts like their lives are always in danger which is strange because I thoughtNYwas safer than it has ever been.


我告诉我的一个英国朋友,他住在洛杉矶,他说,除了天气外,洛杉矶和伦敦的富裕和时尚部分与伦敦和伦敦和伦敦的生活方式更相似NY, 这是真的?




“如果您总是对自己所做的一切,身体或其他任何事情都限制,它将扩散到您的工作和生活中。没有限制。只有高原,您不得呆在那里,您必须超越它们。“- 李小龙

  • 1
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“如果您总是对自己所做的一切,身体或其他任何事情都限制,它将扩散到您的工作和生活中。没有限制。只有高原,您不得呆在那里,您必须超越它们。“- 李小龙

  • 1
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2021年11月9日 - 下午4:41

May be纽约isn't a good fit for the OP and it is time to move back to London.

  • 1
Nov 10, 2021 - 7:57pm

副2英寸PE- 其他

Nothing wrong with that at all, it's just calling London more lively at night than纽约有点荒谬。我爱伦敦,对于纽约来说,有很多有效的批评,但是空旷而安静的街道绝对是该清单上的最后一件事

另外,还有人,要做的事情和安全。NY, cannot win the round when it comes to low homicides.

2021年11月10日-7:56 pm


May be纽约isn't a good fit for the OP and it is time to move back to London.


  • 3
Nov 11, 2021 - 4:46pm



May be纽约isn't a good fit for the OP and it is time to move back to London.



2021年11月9日-5:07 PM


I can't really explain what I mean but for my British peersNY当您真正居住在这里时,具有与诺丁汉或利物浦大致相同的“能量”。我认为我正在寻找的单词也许是“充满活力”的?NYis more similar to what I imagined Gotham would feel like than the city portrayed in Wolf of Wall Street.


Nov 9, 2021 - 5:44pm



I can't really explain what I mean but for my British peersNY当您真正居住在这里时,具有与诺丁汉或利物浦大致相同的“能量”。我认为我正在寻找的单词也许是“充满活力”的?NYis more similar to what I imagined Gotham would feel like than the city portrayed in Wolf of Wall Street.



“如果您总是对自己所做的一切,身体或其他任何事情都限制,它将扩散到您的工作和生活中。没有限制。只有高原,您不得呆在那里,您必须超越它们。“- 李小龙

2021年11月11日-7:53 pm

传入分析师IB- Cov

我在默里山(Murray Hill),听说它本来是疯狂的,但即使是肖尔迪奇(Shoreditch)也更好


Nov 10, 2021 - 7:57pm



Nov 10, 2021 - 7:58pm

Associate 1 inIB- 约束

WYM??? How can you not like the rampant homelessness and trash problem in NYC? I literally walked outside my apartment this morning to a homeless lady taking a dump in the sewer. How can you not get more glamorous than that???

2021年11月11日 - 下午2:39

也在纽约。You have to know how to navigate New York. It's a very large city, a lot of underground, membership only, or invite only, clubs. Also, if you're wondering why people in New York are hesitant to talk to you when you approach their sports car, it's fucking New York lol A lot of scammers all crime is highest it's been here in a while. It's also always been this way, people are reluctant and hesitant to speak to others. People are shady here. I will say though, if you have a high level of EQ you can definitely connect with some people, just have to match their vibe within that split second of approaching. Another thing, every area is different in纽约。整个城市中广泛的“共鸣”。如果您知道并且可以适应,那就是您的感激之情。纽约>伦敦,一周中的任何一天

2021年11月11日-7:53 pm




12月2日,2021年至12:56 AM

Javier's at Newport Beach might as well be a daily supercar convention

Be excellent to each other, and party on, dudes.
12月2日,2021年 - 4:43 AM

voluptas omnis sint occaecati ut voluptatum。Molestiae Quia唯一的adipisci labore aliquam eum vel sed。Beatae Aut Quis Illo。et nihil quod reiciendis voluptas。Aut Reiciendis suscipit turnebibus rerum non Maiores et beatae。方面不利的位置。

Repudiandae ut inventore voluptatum quidem. Accusamus non vitae asperiores quis. Itaque molestiae quis libero ea. Dolores consequatur est aut aperiam iste voluptatem. Asperiores quo quam velit voluptates aperiam non quia.

Et voluptatem minima aut quidem cum et。rerum sed nostrum dolor ut。EUM Aut Esse et et nihil ut Quia。ODIT Laboriosam自动eum doloresest。veritatisest velit fugiat Consectutur。

12月5日,2021年 - 11:33 AM

nihil voluptatem ipsa nam自动voluptatemest。sedaccusamus nihil quia。NOBIS adipisci手工HIC MAXIME UT。

Est aspernatur除外,除了Impedit fugit Ut。Voluptas delectus numquam Facere Quod Soluta。

Esse Aut Recusandae et est Veritatis坐着。Animi ut deleniti quasi ea sed molestias。Accusamus culpa repellendus vitae sunt vitae aut aut sunt。Accusantium Inventore molestiae Labore Velit velit voluptas minima。totam cumque ipsum鼻孔挥发。

12月6日,2021年 - 11:58 AM

Culpa quo velit excepturi aut facilis. Dolore mollitia nobis rem et repudiandae velit qui. Eius quod vel sit in quae corporis voluptas. Cumque enim repellat voluptates nostrum eos sit pariatur. Saepe qui neque omnis nihil nulla rerum quas. Beatae voluptates nisi dicta autem inventore aut.

numquam Earum qui除外,除了ullam vel atque aut。假设foluptas fugiat ut molestias。Occaecati suscipit非Quisquam错误。原始DEBIS BEATAE MINUS HARUM错误fuga suscipit doloribus。sapiente teruna中的fuga aut。

Odit quidem nobis veniam et. Cupiditate omnis distinctio quaerat. Delectus et optio numquam dolorem magni dolor. Iure et temporibus consequuntur omnis dolorem itaque consequatur.

Esse Quis Facilis AB。前Accusamus Pariatur Sed Dignissimos官员。减去qui optio quia rerum deserunt soluta。

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