Why corporate banking instead of investment banking?

Josh Pupkin

Reviewed by

Josh Pupkin WSO Editorial Board


What Do Corporate Bankers Do? - Corporate Banking Definition

It is the corporate banker's job to get secure financing for clients.

mlamb93 - Investment Banking Associate:

As an analyst, you won't be the one engaging in securing these funds.

我a first year analyst in CB. I'm not sure how Citi structures their CB department, but as a first year analyst, you'd be focusing more on underwriting transactions and monitoring the debt portfolio rather than schmoozing clients. A first year analyst would have no idea how to approach a client and present a cross-sell idea.


每个采访都会出现这个问题。一件事不是是说你想要类似investment banking but with a better lifestyle. The two are similar but different, so it demonstrates a lack of knowledge. There are many different ways to go about answering this question. What you want to do is focus on the functions of the job.

Here are two aspects of CB you can incorporate into your answer.

  1. 承保/投资组合管理方面:基于交易的同时相对于IB唯一,因为您的公司承担风险。您对贷款和实际担任职位感兴趣,而不仅仅是为公司提供建议或在游戏中没有皮肤的股份联合股份
  2. Credit mindset: You like to focus more on reducing risk and preventing downside rather than valuing companies based on a wide variety of variables and being upside focused (as IB involves valuation work). You are interested in the wide variety of different loan financing products that are used ranging from revolvers, term loans, etc., and how businesses use them. In many corporate/commercial banks, there is a credit training program that analysts go through so you can emphasize the training, too.

  1. Scope for a longer term career (less turnover/ no "2 and O" culture).
  2. Developing an ability to understand businesses fundamentally to foster long-term relationships (not so much transaction focused as IB).
  3. The ability to have "skin in the game". (Typically, you'll be underwriting loans/credit, so you'll need to be responsible and accountable as it's the bank's money you're committing - maybe speaking to having more responsibility at a young age, etc.)

Ultimately, we believe in avoiding the comparisons to investment banking on this one. Keep the focus on CB, and tie it into one or two of the specific functions of the job mentioned above.

Salary and Hours in Corp Banking

There is no definite compensation range like there is for investment banking. For base pay, analysts earn around what investment banking analysts earn. The variance comes at the bonus, which depends on firm, location, and group performance. The range for analysts is $65-90k all in. Expect those numbers to increase at least 10k per year, and even more than that after a few years due to increased bonuses at the associate level.

Expect to put in 50 to 65 hours most weeks. During deal weeks, expect more.

Retail vs. Corporate Banking - What's the Difference?

Many get retail banking and CB confused. Retail banking is what you see when you stop by your local bank to make a deposit. It deals with people. CB deals with corporate clientele. Retail banking offer services including mortgages, credit, and checking. It offers services including business loans, commercial real estate, and cash management.

CB Internship Experience

CB is great as an internship. If you're looking to do pursue a career in the field, then this is exactly the internship you need.

如果您想进行投资银行业务,那么CB仍然是一个不错bob竞技体育游戏的选择 - 只要您大三之前就需要确保投资银行业务夏季分析师职位。大二以后,唯一击败CB实习的实习是投资银行业务实习,而您获得的唯一现实方式是,如果您是多元化候选人或在精品店的职位。bob竞技体育游戏

So how do you go about securing an internship? Most are secured through networking, but you might find some firms recruiting on campus so keep your eyes peeled.

Interview Prep for Corporate Banking

Interview prep for CB is similar to investment banking, but there are differences to study for. Here are a couple of things to know from @TNA".

I'd know credit basics, know how ABL [asset-based lending] revolvers work, try and find out the space the bank you are interviewing for operates in. Stuff like that.

intlbanker153 - Investment Banking Analyst:
I was in your shoes a while back and the IB prep was pretty useful. As IBBD mentioned, you take on a buy-side mindset. With that in mind, you should know your typical sources of repayment (refinance on a unsecured/secured basis, sale borrowing base assets, cash flow from ops, etc) and key credit risks.

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Josh Pupkinis a member ofWSO Editorial Boardwhich helps ensure the accuracy of content across top articles on Wall Street Oasis. Josh has extensive experience private equity, business development, and investment banking. Josh started his career working as an investment banking analyst for Barclays before transitioning to a private equity role Neuberger Berman. Currently, Josh is an Associate in the Strategic Finance Group of Accordion Partners This content was originally created by memberpapermachineand has evolved with the help of our investment banking mentors.

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Comments (42)

Jan 14, 2014 - 10:18pm

Technical questions will not deviate all that far from manySAbasics. Will sprinkle in debt focus on "creditworthiness". What's makes a good borrower? (collateral, cash flow, etc.) Questions around what would reduce/increase risk in lending situations. May get into borrowing base, working capital, cash flow related questions, and that would be extremely technical for a college interview.

As for "why corporate banking" you need to fully contemplate the DIFFERENCES betweenIBand CB and then if you really want to do this, come up with why fueling the activities of companies (acquisitions, capex, special projects, short term capital) is more appealing than the headliner events of advising on M&A or sellouts/buyouts.

Disclaimer: not in CB, but looking to transition there, so asking myself the same ?s

  • 3
Jan 14, 2014 - 10:30pm

如果我错了,请纠正我,但我相信公司银行业务将更多地关注关系方面。IE。您所涵盖的公司希望将X筹集资金为新建筑物提供资金 - >访问公司银行家 - >公司银行家将他们与适当的团队联系起来。认为谈论您喜欢建立关系并帮助客户实现目标以及与银行内各个业务集团合作的好主意。


  • 3
2014年1月19日- 12:25pm


如果我错了,请纠正我,但我相信公司银行业务将更多地关注关系方面。IE。您所涵盖的公司希望将X筹集资金为新建筑物提供资金 - >访问公司银行家 - >公司银行家将他们与适当的团队联系起来。认为谈论您喜欢建立关系并帮助客户实现目标以及与银行内各个业务集团合作的好主意。



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Jan 14, 2014 - 11:22pm

There is a wide range of corporate banking roles, but my understanding of it is that it comes down to where the money originates from.IBmeans any funds will come client side and external to the bank, whereas corporate banking will handle funds from the firms own balance sheet. The upshot is that there is a great deal more emphasis of risk management and credit analysis.


Jan 14, 2014 - 11:26pm

Different banks run their CB groups differently. One place might have you doing borrowing bases for an ABL, other places might be providing more senior term loans.JPMCorp banking will be different than say PNC Corp banking. Think different levels of sophistication, etc.

I'd know credit basics, know how ABL revolvers work, try and find out the space the bank you are interviewing for operates in. Stuff like that.

  • 1
Best Response
Jan 14, 2014 - 11:28pm

我第一年在企业银行分析师。我不是sure how Citi structures their CB department but as a first year analyst, you'd be focusing more on underwriting transactions and monitoring the debt portfolio rather than schmoozing clients. A first year analyst would have no idea how to approach a client and present a cross-sell idea.

With that being said, the one aspect that may make CB more appealing thanIBis that you kind of take on a buy-side mindset when you underwrite transactions. Your underwriting credit memo will act as sort of an investment thesis as to why the bank should (or should not) give this company money. And the risk is real. If the company goes under then the bank loses millions of dollars. But, of course, it's not as risky as private equity since you're usually taking on a senior position in the capital structure and you normally deal with investment grade rated companies. It's just one interesting argument you can make in your interview. Before the monkey shit comes, I have to say that I'm not saying or endorsing that CB is better than IB; this is just something that's different fromIBand could be enticing for someone.

Jan 16, 2014 - 6:42pm


我第一年在企业银行分析师。我不是sure how Citi structures their CB department but as a first year analyst, you'd be focusing more on underwriting transactions and monitoring the debt portfolio rather than schmoozing clients. A first year analyst would have no idea how to approach a client and present a cross-sell idea.

With that being said, the one aspect that may make CB more appealing thanIBis that you kind of take on a buy-side mindset when you underwrite transactions. Your underwriting credit memo will act as sort of an investment thesis as to why the bank should (or should not) give this company money. And the risk is real. If the company goes under then the bank loses millions of dollars. But, of course, it's not as risky as private equity since you're usually taking on a senior position in the capital structure and you normally deal with investment grade rated companies. It's just one interesting argument you can make in your interview. Before the monkey shit comes, I have to say that I'm not saying or endorsing that CB is better than IB; this is just something that's different fromIBand could be enticing for someone.

Who the fuck gave this kid monkey shit?
Jan 20, 2014 - 11:38am

Pretty solid response. For corporate banking, you will most likely deal with revolvers, term loans, bridge financing, etc, which will most likely be all senior secured/unsecured.

@“ Papermachine”我在您的鞋子上,IBprep was pretty useful. As @"IBBD" mentioned, you take on a buy-side mindset. With that in mind, you should know your typical sources of repayment (refinance on a unsecured/secured basis, sale borrowing base assets, cash flow from ops, etc) and key credit risks. PM me if you have any specific questions.

Jan 17, 2014 - 1:09pm

我an analyst in Corporate and Commercial Banking. It is a super regional bank in the U.S but has a huge Europe and South American presence. What everyone has said is more or less correct. In my group bigger deals actually require less analysis and work as they are usually syndicated, which is less work because you take it or leave it as is. Commercial and middle market banking is a great place to learn and get credit analysis experience. It is very different from the corporate finance topics you see onWSO. It won't provide you with the technical skills forIBbut you will most likely still learn a lot. You won't be dealing with relationships. Typically lenders and team leads deal with 98% of client interaction. You can PM me if you have more questions.

Jan 17, 2014 - 9:51pm

Corp banking over IBD:
1. Long term career potential - not much of an "up and out" culture like inIBD. As long as you are competent you can move into an associate role after your 3rd year in most places, you won't need to go back for anMBAto advance. Also to get from associate to VP in the credit path you won't need to be able to generate business to move up as you would inIBD

2. Better hours / work life balance

3. You manage risk if that is something you are interested in, the spread on senior bank debt is low so you need to be careful when making a decision as you will have to originate a huge multiple of your loss in new money just to be able to cover it

4. You develop a solid foundation in cash flow analysis & learn about collateral (depending if it is ABL group or middle market lending vs. large corporate)

5. Corp banking is very relationship focused

6. Ability to move from client management/credit/risk so you can have a very varied career depending on how you position yourself and what your interests are

7. Can be a generalist or cover industry vertical depending on what group you are in

2014年1月19日- 9:51am

Great thread on corporate banking. Because we have may people posting here that are currently in the industry- how much better is the work life balance? Also, what does the pay look like at the senior level?

2014年1月19日 - 下午1:35

It will depend on the bank. I believe Citi's corporate bank focuses on loans and some debt and has better hours than theIB.

2014年1月19日- 9:49pm

Given that I am not inIBDI can't directly comment on the difference between work like balance, but in my group most people can be out the door two or three days out of the week by six each night, or you can be there till nine or ten at night throughout the week, and still have to come in on the weekend. It depends on the group and the deal flow. The upside to the more lax work life balance is that it is very easy to stand out, and simply out work some of your co-workers. The general sentiment for 90% of the deals that flow through my group is that "it can wait until tomorrow."

n1cktm and explosions09 are correct that there is a relationship focus, which is centered around the lender or relationship manager who has a portfolio to monitor and manage. Some lenders have portfolios that are too large from them to handle which is where Relationship Associates or Junior Lenders come in. At some banks they are glorified assistants.

As far as compensation goes, there is a lot of long term potential to make >$100K base + bonus in a back office position. (Bare in mind I'm in Texas not NYC) It just takes some time to work up to that level. If you want to do a back office role or be a career analyst you will hit that limit and not be able to make much more, but there are a lot of back office positions that require analysis and a take macro-approach to bank management that most people don't know exist, which has the potential to bring home a very good paycheck. It is my understanding that a lot of lender compensation is around their bonus, which is similar to commission, but they also have a solid base. Lenders in my opinion are similar to door-to-door sales reps. Their life centers around customer calls and going out and pounding the pavement. Some banks will hire lenders with very little technical or accounting knowledge.

Jan 20, 2014 - 12:11pm

In a corporate banking group you really get to know the companies in your portfolio. It's transaction based, but you are constantly revisiting these companies as they grow (or become distressed at times) and need their credit facility amended, upsized, etc. Each time this happens you have to go through a whole analysis of the company both on a historical basis and a pro forma basis for what has changed.

My advice would be this: In an investment banking role, you pretty much know what you're going to get. However in corporate banking, I think there's a vast difference in the type of experience you can have. Getting into an industry group in which you're working with large private, small and mid-cap, non-investment grade companies is the most beneficial experience in my opinion (opposed to large cap investment grade entities in which the analysis and structuring is pretty straight forward and relatively risk-less).

It's also beneficial to be at a bank where your counter-parties in leveraged finance /DCMare very active and prominent. This provides opportunities to work in conjunction with them on big underwrites when the your bank is a lead arranger. They often will lean on you to get approval to underwrite a high % or maybe even all of the credit part of the debt package in an acquisition.

  • 4
2014年2月27日 - 下午2:15

Really depends on the shop.

If you're at a firm that has a Corporate Investment Bank, likeJPMthat housesIBand CB under the same umbrella, you will be doing mostly lev fin/syndication/DCM, but you will also get a taste of some more exoticIB活动(并购,ECM,如果幸运的话,您的公司之一是IPO)。这样想,您没有一个地理覆盖范围,而不是拥有产品或行业覆盖范围,而是比传统的公司小的目标公司IB(F1000 - F500

另一方面,有很多银行have completely separate (or no)IBteams, so you're pretty much stuck doing credit, loans, treasury, and other non-sexy products.

If you don't know which you're applying to, the starting salary is a good proxy. Option A, you'll find yourself at a 10-15% discount all in to your averageIBcounterpart [(A1 CB = $120,000+) vs (A1IB= $ 140,000+)]。在选项B中,您会发现您的全部款式,价格约为8万美元。

Feel free to PM if you have any other q's.

Source: I'm in CB.

2014年1月20日 - 下午12:52

Most well known corporate banking products are term loans, revolving lines of credit, syndicated loans w. multiple arrangers. You also have ABL facilities, bridge loans, etc.

There is also a difference between corp. banking at aBBvs. corp. banking at aMM/regional bank.
1.客户规模 - 公司在BBdeals with companies with revenues of 1bn+ whereas corp. banking at aMM, clients will start at 200MM+. Basically, the middle market/commercial banking division of aBBwill handle the type of clientsMMcorporate banking will have.
2. Pay - Corp banking that is housed withIBD(i.e. Corporate & Investment Banking) will typically have same base asIBD. Bonus will be 20-30%. Corp banking separate fromIBDmay have smaller base salary but shouldn't be below 65k.

虽然MMcorp. banks cater to clients that fit in the range of commercial banking at aBB, corp banking at aMMwill still be more lucrative than commercial banking at aBB.

The benefits of CB is that it has a well defined career path and you can make it past associate without having to go back for aMBAto be able to wine and dine clients. In Cb there are two main career paths - relationship management (sales) and credit.

Feb 27, 2014 - 2:17pm

"Why Corporate Banking?"(最初发布:2015年10月25日)

Hey guys. Have an interview coming up for corporate banking with a super regional.

I know a very important question for investment banking is "why investment banking?" It's a simple, yet vital question and there's quite a bit of info out there on how to answer it. What's the best way to answer this question in regards to corporate banking, though?

Feb 27, 2014 - 2:22pm

there were a few posts on this around the forum. a few things re-iterated are:

1) scope for a longer term career (less turnover/ no "2 and O" culture)
2) developing an ability to understand businesses fundamentally to foster long-term relationships (not so much transaction focused as IB)
3) the ability to have "skin in the game" (typically you'll be underwriting loans/credit so you'll need to be responsible and accountable as it's the bank's money you're committing - maybe speaking to having more responsibility at a young age, etc)

good luck!

Feb 27, 2014 - 2:23pm

Better hours thanIBand only giving up little in terms of pay. You should try and sell it as a lifestyle thing + the standard clients/scope of work/exposure to deals etc

Feb 27, 2014 - 2:25pm

Got a corporate banking offer, I would NOT try to sell CB asIBwith a slight paycut but better hours. Don't do this as it makes it seem like you just want ibanking lite when they are pretty different.

Some ways to go about it:
1. Underwriting/portfolio management aspect: Transaction-based while being unique relative toIBin that your firm is assuming the risk. You are interested in lending and actually taking a position rather than just advising companies or syndicating shares with no skin in the game
2. Credit Mindset: Like to focus more on reducing risk and preventing downside rather than valuing companies based on a wide variety of variables and being upside focused (asIBinvolves valuation work). You are interested in the wide variety of different loan financing products that are used ranging from revolvers, term loans, etc. and how businesses use them. In many corporate/commercial banks, there is a credit training program that analysts go through so you can emphasize the training too.

There are many different ways to go about this

2014年2月27日-2:26 pm

You're a lender which means you are making an investment decision. You'll also be living with the deal for a while, through add ons, amendments, refinancing, etc. Corporate banking allows a lot of flexibility also. You can be pure credit, RM, lateral into banking orDCM, credit fund, etc.


  • 1
Jan 20, 2014 - 10:03pm

I have worked in both so i will opine.

In my opinion, what i did inIBwas much more interesting. You truly modeled a company's financials out and understood a lot more. In CB, they usually break out into two tracks: credit analysis and relationship management. The credit analysts all want to move into an RM role and are often interchangeable with little career growth. Credit analysis is not like at aFIfund. Often you use some proprietary bank system and update boilerplate memos. I actually think I met only one credit analyst who was able to do a 3 statement linked financial projection and that was after he did aCFA. On the RM side you make a lot of pitchbooks where you incorporate work from other product groups. You feel as if there is little in terms of true finance. There was a Director I hated who made seven figures one year and he came over to me after I finished theCFAto tell me you don't need to know finance to be a "banker". If you are an associate you will attend client pitches and see just how sales focused it is. You need to work hand in hand with the loan groups mainly (syndications, lev fin, loan capital markets, etc.) as well as other product groups likeDCMorECM或者无论是呈现他们的想法,但他们都是进行分析并经常为您的音调幻灯片喂食的人。随着时间的流逝,您开始理解游戏。...您知道左轮手枪和学期贷款或大债券应到期,并提前1。5年开始推销一本书或领导书。较大的银行利用其资产负债表获得投资银行和辅助产品业务(即债券)。bob竞技体育游戏左轮手枪和定期贷款要么是双边的,要么是银行的书籍,要么是联合贷款。当您是高级助理RM时,您会开始进行更多的客户端互动,而当您成为副总裁时,您将为您的“投资组合”获得较小的名称来打电话并拨打。我的经验停止了副总裁级别。

您的日程比在IBand you have more of a voice with quicker progression, but it isnt about finance in my opinion as much as it is about sales. It also attracts people who care about having families that they actually get to see and there were more women in CB thanIB. If you are in a good group, you will travel frequently though.

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