机器学习 - Python基本面

欢迎使用WSO的机器学习 - Python基础课程专门为金融职业开发。金融世界正在迅速变化。投资银行家,资产经理,销售和交易专业人员的技能都在不断发展,并且发展这种核心技能对于生存和卓越而言至关重要


Want to Get Ahead in Finance?


财务职业是some of the most sought after jobsin the world. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it.

nOTonly do they promise huge salaries and bonuses, but they also可以为您设置各种其他相关职业

Butgetting promoted once you're in the door is much harder than you think。。。

。。。because Wall Street is filled with Type-A gunners and the skill sets needed to succeed are rapidly changing.

Having a Long, Lucrative Finance Career is而不是获得获得工作的技能... 是关于acquiring the skills to excel on the job once you get your seat


  • 仅凭技术金融知识不会削减它...
  • 高GPA还不够...
  • 良好的联系不会save you...
  • 甚至那些出色的Excel技能不一定能获得晋升。。。
您的工作不仅要坐在座位上...一旦您在那里就可以提供价值。该行业是快速变化and so are the skills needed to长期成功。
  • Excel技能和金融知识是可以的...
  • 大数据和技术技能的操纵很重要...
  • Waiting until you are on the job just makes it harder...
  • 金融业是保守和缓慢的,但即使在这里,pace of changeis increasing...

So how do you provide value?

  • 将您的财务知识与技术结合在一起知道如何...
  • Showing YOU are the person with the ability to do more with data...
  • Investing in yourself to build a strong technical foundation...

The Only Way To Crack This Code IsTo学习From


The best way to learn anything is to simplyfollow in the footsteps of someone who has done it成功地。


once you have this knowledge, what seemed like a gauntlet will be a在公园里散步

Where others are confused and intimidated,你会冷静,凉爽和收集

当别人挤在最后一分钟,您会为任何事情做好准备they can throw at you.

当别人挤在最后一分钟,您会为任何事情做好准备they can throw at you.



。。。Only Those with Dedication Get It.

那是right. Out of every 1,000 applicants, less than 50 truly have the Python skills to make a difference. The other95% hopethat the rising demand for technical skills will slow down.



But still, most never get in.

相反,他们结束up left out wandering the finance wilderness... Working in a dead end job... like a cubicle death march...


I've seen it more times than I can count.

这就是because they're unprepared.

  • Many relied on finance skills butdidn't have the technical skills in demand NOW to attract enough interest...
  • 其他人有很好的血统和联系,找到工作but then flame out because they were just another PowerPoint monkey in the cog without the technical chops...
The Bottom Line is This:

。。。和That Means Going To The一个地方最好教你。

机器学习 - Python基本面

The Wall Street Oasis


The Insider's Course on How to Leverage Your Excel Skills to Learn Python Fundamentals and Make Yourself Irreplaceable...


Intro to Python (15+ lessons)

第一个you need to knowwhy Python matters, how you can use it in your job and如何从头开始让您设置… 这包括会话目标+ a simple calculation and variables exercise...





Custom Functions, For Loops, and Conditional Logic (10+ lessons)

12 videos including 4 exercises这样你就有能力写作custom functions,以及有条件的逻辑和这可能与您的金融职业有关。。。


有17次视频课程,包括3个练习…so you get actual practice and aren't a passive learner and can learn about random number generators and array functions...


Why should you listen to me?
Because I've been down this path before...

My name is Zachary Washam -- I'm a former bulge bracket investment banker and I'm super excited to bring you this course in partnership with Wall Street Oasis!nOT很久以前,我处于你的位置。




My work has won innovation awards, been submitted for patent protection, used to advise dozens of Fortune 500 investment banking clients (HP, Nordstrom, Tiffany, and McDonalds, to name a few), and incorporated into multi-billion-dollar capital markets transactions.

More importantly, I have trained countless finance professionals from the greatest firms on Earth who are now taking control of their careers and making a massive impact on the finance industry.

我的培训系统与其他可用的不同,因为I have been in your shoes,在行业中,我确切地知道从零编码背景到在职业生涯中创造激进的结果所需的内容。



不要被抛在后面。您拥有创造力,决心和职业道德,可以控制自己的职业生涯并取得巨大的成果 - 您所需要的只是正确的工具,然后只是时间问题。…

I'll be with you every step of the way. You got this!







。。。over $300,000 if you have an MBA...

这只是一个漫长的开始very LUCRATIVE career that could easily net you millions.

We could easily charge thousands of dollars and your ROI would still be huge…

At a fraction of that price, the ROI is even better...less than $100 in exchange for millions of dollarsdown the line.当您进行数学时,这不是一个聪明的事情。

和that doesn't include the time you'd have to spend figuring all of this out.即使您在线使用了大量免费信息,您仍然必须找到它,组织,审查,测试并进行系统化以使其正常工作。

那将需要几个月的时间 - 甚至几年……到那时,您将错过您的窗户,吹您的机会,your chances of landing and excelling in a top finance job will be slim to none.

All while watching your friends and classmates ride the elevators to the penthouses of investment banking, trading, private equity and hedge funds…

WSO机器学习 - Python基础课程为您提供您需要的一切都在最关键的技能之一中为未来证明您的职业生涯建立了坚实的基础...快速轻松。

But we're not going to charge you thousands like other bootcamps...


We won't even ask for half of that..



Get Unlimited Lifetime Access To The WSO Machine Learning - Python Fundamentals Course For 95% Off


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12 Month Risk-Free Guarantee

您的investment is protected by our 12-Month Risk-Free Guarantee. If, for any reason, you don't think the Machine Learning - Python Fundamentals Course is right for you, just send us an email, and we'll refund every penny. No questions asked.简而言之,您将获得丰厚的投资回报,或者收回您的资金。这很简单。


如果您正在阅读本文,you're here for a reason: because you want to be one of the very fewwho can deliver exceptional value to your firm by learning in demand skills… and because you need help doing it.

您的opportunity really is limited… you have one good shot.If you don't develop these skills soon, your chances of breaking into the industry and getting promoted are slim to none, because the firms will know you're damaged goods without anything helping you stand out.Don't believe me? Talk to my friend who was selling Carnival Cruise packagesafter he failed his interviews.

Because the hard truth is thatWall Street is literally flooded with millions of people just like you and me:college hot shots, finance wizards, math geniuses and even trading interns with solid track records… and most of them still end up on the outside looking in.

银行有垃圾的选择,only those who are superbly prepared, who have mastered all the concepts and who understand how to deliver outsized value will get the rewards.



你想做什么?Living in a penthouse, working on interesting projects andclimbing the elite ladders of finance?

Or living with your parents, selling mortgages in the suburbs and watching your friends having the lucrative career that should have been yours.

The choice really is yours.而且您的机会确实有限。

Don't waste it.Click here to get instant access and turbo charge your career in finance.

Python is the Path... Join the other successful students and get started:


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