Discussion Topic Replies Fresh
+3 Networking with senior level people? 1 1mo
+3 我应该飞往网络活动吗? 1 1mo
+3 how long on offers after super day 3 1mo
+9 选择要约 - 为开发人员提供可再生能源/INFRA资产管理项目融资 1 1mo
+20 出国留学大二夏天 6 1mo
+3 (Audit Big 4) I would like to transfer from one office to another, but I haven't even started yet. 1 1mo
+3 2022 SA和夏季助理招聘英国线程 1 1mo
+4 BORED AT WORK 6 1mo
+4 Which valuation method will always generate the highest valuation no matter what (trade comps, transaction comps, DCF)? (Received this question in an IB interview) 3 1mo
+17 如何将100K保存为22 y/o 18 1mo
+6 简历的关键字可以通过ATS扫描IB/PE工作? 2 1mo
+3 When to start applying full time for entry level (midst of summer internship)? 1 1mo
+3 基本统计问题 1 1mo
+1 summer recruiting events 1 1mo
+3 Wells Fargo SA 2023 1 1mo
+3 Financial edge - £400 online course -London 2 1mo
+5 Interview help - presenting a document of a firm's 3Q results 6 1mo
+6 强大的面试技巧和网络但在金融方面的经验为零? 1 1mo
+7 PLS Explain IB Sophomore SA Recruiting Timeline 5 1mo
+25 Public urination first time offense in Virginia already accepted offer 6 1mo
+8 Did I mess by not transferring 5 1mo
+6 BofA IB Sophomore 2023 HireVue? 1 1mo
+6 EB内的Superday在安置代理中,期望什么? 1 1mo
+4 纽约七月搬进线 3 1mo
+6 FT分析师培训如何工作? 3 1mo
+3 London Investment Banking Analyst training 10 1mo
+9 Need advise. No offers. Senior at Canadian target with great private equity and asset management experience. Received a vc offer to work in Europe. 6 1mo
+3 When is 2023 FT IB recruiting 1 1mo
+25 学校改善安置 36 1mo
+74 简短的埃默里 60 1mo
+39 MSC FIN LSE-最近的位置不好? 13 1mo
+18 Cold Email to MD? 21 1mo
+3 加拿大到伦敦寻求SA建议 2 1mo
+7 希望得到一个模拟面试通过一个类来完成y professional for $ 3 1mo
+16 UIC数学专业,我可以在哪里突破? 7 1mo
+9 How is the US FT Recruiting Landscape for Canadians? 1 1mo
0 Applying to other groups within the bank while a SA 1 1mo
+23 . 11 1mo
+6 Understanding the Industry 1 1mo
+13 How to not screw this up 3 1mo
+9 英国的成绩单和成绩 2 1mo
+118 Networking calls are paradise 16 1mo
+33 Break into Wall St to Break into Tech 4 1mo
+6 标准化测试分数 7 1mo
+6 如何在心理和情感上为IB做准备 1 1mo
+4 Hearing back from Superday 8 1mo
+3 Networking from Analyst to MD 1 1mo
+5 Sophomore Looking to Apply to IBD Diversity Programs 2 1mo
0 All interview rounds online? 5 1mo
+11 寻求建议。 9 1mo
+6 2022/23 Australia SA Recruiting 6 1mo
+22 Big 4 jobs for first-year students during studies in the UK 23 1mo
+13 What Firms Should I Be Targeting? 11 1mo
+11 模拟面试准备 2 1mo
+19 Explaining GPA in Networking Call? 10 1mo
+9 Climbing the Ivory Tower: 1st year Analyst Lateral into BB 5 1mo
+11 为时已晚? 5 1mo
+14 可以切换43吗? 8 1mo
+4 是否可以? 5 1mo
+16 IU Kelley投bob竞技体育游戏资银行研讨会 14 1mo
+3 职业建议 - 进入IB 1 1mo
+9 Career advice 1 1mo
+3 Lateral Modeling Tests / Case Studies 1 1mo
+9 IB abroad for junior summer 1 1mo
+9 大二的职业/生活建议 6 1mo
+3 2部电话? 8 1mo
+9 From a Non-Target but I have a very solid CV. SA 2023 LDN possible ? 0 1mo
+28 我什至可以闯入还是为时已晚? 14 1mo
+72 问答:Corp Dev 32 1mo
+3 BB IB SA搬迁津贴 2 1mo
+3 Email Format for Stout 1 1mo
+9 Moving from DCM to M&A (SA to FT) 1 1mo
+12 FT Recruiting & Networking as SA 1 1mo
+9 Premed to Finance 3 1mo
+7 在当前实习时披露未来的SA? 2 1mo
+10 少年没有实习 1 1mo
+3 实习 1 1mo
+6 Landed an interview for a 2022 SA role - There is a catch however 2 1mo
+13 未来职业 - 需要建议 2 1mo
+3 伦敦夏季分析师2023招聘时间表 1 1mo
+3 Masters to IB 1 1mo
+2 Dumb Question: How many people get HireVue? 4 1mo
+9 Advice on how to best handle incoming SAs and Full-Times 2 1mo
+9 See yourself in 5 years advice 1 1mo
+3 Ireland to UK Feasibility? 1 1mo
+26 如何辞职何时蒙蔽 6 1mo
+10 与团队建立联系,您关闭了与 2 1mo
+3 从头开始准备财务模型? 1 1mo
+6 Getting rid of imposter syndrome 1 1mo
+12 Chances of landing a 2023 FT analyst position without a IB internship - Late Recruiting Timeline 3 1mo
+3 Favorite Non-IB Jobs? 1 1mo
+3 在开始之前,与现任分析师/同事联系是个好主意吗? 1 1mo
+6 How to prepare for M&A consulting interview? 1 1mo
+3 在一个小型公司或IB的一家无名公司的IB中? 1 1mo
+3 What to ask SA Mentor / VP Staffer 1 1mo
+9 What to do after 4th interview? 1 1mo
+4 Batshit insane Canadian HR openly discriminates against conservatives 4 1mo
+5 金融大师,暑期实习 3 1mo
+47 What are my chances of getting an IB offer? 18 1mo
+12 I'm not getting any offers/past interviews - what do I do now? 3 1mo

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2022bob竞技体育游戏

  • Jefferies & Company(▲03) 99.6%
  • Lincoln International(= =) 99.2%
  • RBC Capital Markets(▲07) 98.8%
  • Bank of America Merrill Lynch(▲01) 98.4%
  • Houlihan Lokey(▲06) 98.0%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2022bob竞技体育游戏

  • Lincoln International(▲06) 99.6%
  • Jefferies & Company(▲11) 99.2%
  • Rothschild(▲02) 98.8%
  • Greenhill(▲06) 98.4%
  • Macquarie Group Limited ABN(▲22) 98.0%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2022bob竞技体育游戏

  • Jefferies & Company(▲04) 99.6%
  • Lincoln International(▲04) 99.2%
  • RBC Capital Markets(▲09) 98.8%
  • Houlihan Lokey(▲07) 98.4%
  • Bank of America Merrill Lynch(▲04) 98.0%


July 2022bob竞技体育游戏

  • 导演/MD(9) $ 661
  • Vice President (37) $394
  • Associates (196) $256
  • 2nd Year Analyst (118) $161
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (17) $156
  • 第一年分析师(376) $150
  • 实习/夏季助理(79) $147
  • 实习/夏季分析师(296) $ 92