


它们是定量风险分析的两种最突出的类型。方案分析is the method where we input different values for the parameters based on various future states of theeconomy and examine对输出的影响。


灵敏度分析通常用于financial modeling了解模型中的每个变量如何行动,这有助于预测一个值范围,而不是指出一个值。

比较方案分析vs. sensitivity analysis, one should first understand that investment decisions are based on assumptions and inputs. The lack of certainty in the premises and inputs brings about investment risk.

Hence, it is best to assess the magnitude of such risks (through risk analysis) and weigh them against potential benefits before deciding on an investment.

方案分析: What is it?


It helps the investor to assess the likelihood of risks and benefits.


It is also known as "what-if" analysis because it asks what would happen if certain conditions changed.

方案分析is much more important for smaller businesses since they are more likely to be impacted by an event as opposed to large companies that could have other divisions to offset such an event.


敏感性分析: What is it?

敏感性分析(orreasonability check) is a statistical technique that measures the effects of changes in one or more variables on a model's output. It helps us understand which variables significantly affect the outcome of a model and which ones don't.




For a quick five-minute explanation on this topic, please watch this video:

敏感性分析可以更好地理解通过探索财务模型that show how you can change a variable to see how it affects another variable in an investment portfolio under different scenarios.

Below is the敏感性分析table model template由WSO提供,以测试这些类型的更改的示例。

Scenario Analysis: Sensitive Table WACC


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To assess the likelihood of a certain event happening, you'll need to use scenario analysis. Scenario analysis is when you input expected values for the model's parameters and examine the results by computing probabilities.




If you were using sensitivity analysis to calculate what happens to other variables and the financials of a company when one variable changes incrementally, then it's possible that other variables may change due to one variable changing because they might be correlated.


While both forms of analysis can be thought of as "what if?" analysis, scenario analysis will go through a list of variables involved in an event,仅查看更改单个变量如何改变情况的最终结果andwhat the possibility of this new result is

An example of this is "what happens to the company's value if the cost of materials increases?"


As you can imagine, fluctuations in the stock market impact many aspects of the performance of a business. As a result, considering hypothetical situations regarding the market is an important task for companies that want to grow.

The events that occurred in 2020 and 2021 due to the global COVID-19 pandemic lend themselves as a great example, although this particular event would be quite difficult to predict.


这样的场景在各种工业的影响s always depend on the nature of the event, and in the case of the Covid pandemic, companies, or even industries, that relied on people going out suffered tremendouslyfrom heavy losses, 例如:

  • 电影院
  • 航空工业
  • Tourism industry


However, the pandemic provided a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for other stocks to grow exponentially.

For example,Peloton由于对在家锻炼的兴趣增加,在2020年期间获得了可观的利润,Zoom随着在线会议成为常态,股价飙升。

方案分析would also be helpful for these types of organizations as it could allow them to capitalize on opportunities rather than crumble under pressure (e.g., running out of materials to manufacture for Peloton or expanding server resources for Zoom).


实际上,这已经开始成为Zoom的现实,如消息, where the price of its shares started falling as the Covid pandemic began to an end.

尽管已经说过所有这些,但情景分析的目标并没有预测未来会发生什么 - 它只是根据不同的可能性及其含义及其概率来确定最佳选择。


虽然可以看作fundamentalortechnical analysis,这两种分析形式都考虑使用可用信息的可能情况。因此,情景分析在金融和常规生活中都有许多应用。

As for sensitivity analysis, its most common use case is in financial modeling. This is because different financial models will focus on different variables. Looking at thethree main types of models,我们看到敏感性分析的不同目的是:

Advantages of Scenario Analysis


  • 通过评估潜在情况和可能制定应急计划的影响,更积极的风险管理
  • 由于研究各种选择的利益和风险,更好的决策
  • 在addition to aiding the decision-making process for management in the present, it can also help companies navigate future decisions as planning allows them to adapt to situations quickly.
  • 分析未来的有条理的方法可以帮助公司找到机会或可能忽略的风险。

Disadvantages of Scenario Analysis


  • 需要大量时间(用于练习和执行任务),技能和知识,尽管有一些工具可以帮助这一点。
  • 挑战考虑所有可能的情况,因为有很多变量可以分析和做出假设
  • 计算的方案的概率并不总是准确的。
  • The outcomes may be opposed or cause conflicts within an organization, creating a new problem instead of a solution.


Advantages of Sensitivity Analysis


  • 灵敏度分析非常适合做出涉及暴露于特定变量的决策。
  • Since it requires an in-depth study into links between variables, it allows analysts to figure out the relationship between these variables, which in turn contributes to more accurate forecasting of the chances of success and failure for these variables (e.g., focusing specifically on ways to reduce costs)
  • 这种深入的分析还意味着可以识别被认为是弱点的变量(例如一个非常挥发性的弱点),并且可以缓解这些变量。这是敏感性分析大量纳入敏感性分析的主要原因financial modeling


An investor would want to know the impact of Company A's financial strength on risk.

Sensitivity Analysis: Risk


Sensitivity Analysis: Risk

The higher the number of these variables, the higher the risk index. You want to minimize risk as much as possible for your investment portfolio.


敏感性分析通常是根据管理的假设进行的,因此高度依赖于这些假设的准确性和有效性(即垃圾IN =垃圾)。如果这些假设是错误的,那么分析也将是不正确的。

在addition to this, since this form of analysis focuses on one variable at a time, it does not provide investors with a complete picture.

For instance, if some variable C is affected by two other variables, A and B, performing sensitivity analysis would determine A's effect on C and B on C, but not A on B and vice versa.

Hence, in the real world, where multiple variables are affecting each other, there can be some vital information that gets left out if an analyst does not consider all the possibilities.



The five steps to perform scenario analysis are:

  1. 确定该分析的驱动因素和/或变量是什么,其中驱动程序指的是具有影响结果的模型中的元素。
  2. 开始形成可能的场景(发生很可能发生的事件)。已识别的许多变量可能以产生特定结果的方式相互作用。当然,对于所有这些变量,都有一系列适合基础案例的值,这是我们用来找到更高概率方案的方法。
  3. 开发假设并实验每种情况变量的变化。分析师通常会专注于对模型结果产生重大影响的驱动程序。使用过去和当前数据将有助于形成这些假设并测试更改。
  4. 计算所有方案的结果。该部分可能包括使用财务建模和以前步骤的假设来进行最佳预测。
  5. 为场景准备计划。最后一步是使用方案分析结果来制定可行的步骤,通过为这些事件制定最佳行动方案,并在任何情况下做出最佳决策。

For a great example of how to do scenario analysis, check out the video below from our free video lesson from our财务报表建模course.


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Global methods are better suited to non-linear methods where the change in one assumption leads to a larger or smaller variance in the resulting variable that is not proportionate to the initial change.



The steps are:

  1. Define the model's base case, which could be the result you arrive at after performing some form of financial modeling,像DCF模型
  2. 确定将测量哪个变量为模型的输出以及将更改以分析结果影响的输入变量(这些通常应与输出变量有直接关系)。
  3. 使用已更改的输入变量计算输出变量,使所有其他假设保持不变。这使您可以隔离单个变量的效果。一个例子可能是将单位的售价提高10%,并看到这如何改变净利润。
  4. 重复所有输入变量的上一步并记录结果。
  5. 通过将输出变量百分比变化的百分比变化分配给输入变量的百分比变化来计算每个计算的灵敏度

我们的Financial Modeling Course also includes敏感性分析的课程,例如此视频:


Everything You Need To Master Financial Statement Modeling





假设您有兴趣评估项目不存在的风险完成成本。In this case, you would do sensitivity analysis because it involves looking at one factor (variable costs) and its effect on the project.

另一方面,如果您要分析必须出售多少个产品单位,则场景分析可能更合适business will break even。仅隔离每个变量还不够,因为它们每个变量都与另一个变量有关。


Although there are cases wheresensitivities可以用代替方案分析来使用,最好使用其他其他形式的分析探索这两种方法(例如可比较的分析) to provide a complete picture.


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