MS in Accounting and Fundamental Analysis - Columbia Business School

Hello All,

I am an Undergrad from India (Econ major with Math minor) who aims to learn the ropes of the hedge fund industry in the US. I applied to many Financial Engineering programs (NYU, Columbia, etc.) but have been rejected by them all.

I have a very good chance of being admitted to Columbia Business School's MSAFA (Masters in Accounting and Fundamental Analysis) program. However, I have a few reservations about the same. They are as follows:

1. The MSAFA program is barely two years old. Does it hold a good reputation in the finance world, given that it is run by CBS.
3. One major worry that I have is the fact that I will not be able to differentiate myself from aCFAholder if I do the program. Hence, is it worth paying so highly for the program?
4. Most of the graduates from the program seem to go back to Hong Kong/Singapore for a job. Is the job market in such a bad state in the finance world in the USA?


Comments (12)

Mar 13, 2019 - 11:17am
Columbia Business School is an exceptional school for anMBA,但我认为没有多少人能够对他们的“较新”计划发表评论。他们最近开始引入许多不同的硕士课程。具有讽刺意味的是,这些硕士学位的大多数学生往往是国际学生,他们成为学校名称,并以“哥伦比亚”的毕业生回到各自的国家。与现任哥伦比亚MSAFA学生联系,并直接询问您的所有问题。大多数学生会很乐意为您提供帮助。
Mar 14, 2019 - 5:39am
Hi. Thanks for replying. I did speak to a couple of students about all of this. One of them had graduated and moved to Hong Kong in anIB角色和其他角色将于今年毕业。因此,似乎有一种趋势回到该国。但是,我听说中国政府。乐趣该计划,学生完成学位后必须回去。CBS的金融经济学硕士课程似乎在对冲基金中拥有出色的位置记录。因此,这个MSAFA程序也会发展为我的问题。削减追逐:我可以在顶部踩一只脚吗IBfirms given the fact that I will have a degree in valuation and will be in New York to network? If yes, will I be able to convert the entry into a full time job offer.
3月14日,2019年至9:12 AM
Everything is possible when you live in New York and have Columbia Business School on your resume. It sounds like you would be one of the first to try to break into a U.S. Finance career, so you may need to work harder than the rest of people. ForIB, do they recruit at analyst level (post-Bachelor's) or associate level (post-MBA) after MSAFA? Also, it is now getting harder for folks from India to get visa in the U.S. even from top schools. So you probably still need to be open minded on having to work abroad after Columbia MSAFA. Lastly, I checked Columbia MSAFA program and their acceptance rate is like 6%. Just apply there and see how you do. Are you applying to any Master's in Finance programs as well?
Jun 20, 2019 - 3:55am
Congrats! Can you please share a bit more of your profile? GPA, GMAT score? Interested in applying as well with the goal to stay inNY.
Oct 5, 2021 - 7:04pm

Qui Abagenda Quia Similique。Quidem Omnis Natus voluptas Earum Readuntur。等级nihil quasi ractatur。doluptatem repellendus doloribus rerum omnis tenetur。

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