
What is a Pitch?

音调是指公司说服另一家公司买卖商品的尝试。一个上下文示例是”Goldman Sachs向几家中型科技公司推销了私人产权公司”。

Pitches are often speculative with the target buyer having no or little prior knowledge of the companies being presented and as a result, many proposals end in nothing at all. Analysts and Associates at投资银行他们的大部分时间都会花费大部分时间创建模型并为提案编译信息。



Here's the breakdown of the pitch process in an investment bank:

  • 一项交易从音调开始
  • MD tells VP who tells Associate who tells Analyst what should be in the音调书
  • For a sell side presentation of a company, an analyst will build a pitchbook that generally includes:
    • 坚定和交易团队证书
    • 定位部分(对要出售的公司的定性分析,以及为什么您认为您的团队可以以高价值出售)
    • Valuation section:
    • 对潜在买家的分析以及为什么他们可能非常适合出售公司
  • The Analyst, with the guidance of the Associate, basically does all the work for the pitchbook, including the modeling, positioning of the company and profiling of the buyers
  • After several "turns" (senior people recommending changes), the books get printed and the meeting happens
    • Whether or not an analyst is invited to a meeting varies by group culture

阅读更多pitch breakdownin this discussion.


Skills Required to Work on a Pitch


  • People skills
    • As you will have to present to potential buyers you will need to have the social skills to interact with them and convince them to accept your offer. This can include reading their feelings towards the direction the presentation is going and the ability to make genuine connections with them in a short amount of time.
  • 注意细节
    • 您还必须查看您提议的公司或产品的许多小细节,因此几乎有必要强烈关注细节。当您经常倾注产品出售产品的细微差别并确保在演示文稿中考虑每个细节时,尤其如此。

提示为Successful Pitch

Combining the skills listed above and the extensive due diligence performed on your potential buyer, here are some extra tips for a successful pitch:

  • Have a clear message
    • 向您的潜在买家展示他们可以买到的公司或您要出售的产品的绝佳机会。
  • Present your case early in the presentation
    • 通过简短的摘要和音调背后的目的进行概述,领导您的演示文稿。
  • Implement financial analysis
    • As mentioned earlier, while it's important to demonstrate what an amazing opportunity you have to the buyer, use strong financial analysis as a tool to help achieve this. However, be mindful to not get lost in presenting an endless sea of numbers.
  • 显示您的演示文稿如何连接到宏观视图
    • 请记住,您的潜在买家可能已经听到了另一家投资银行的类似提议。取而代之的是,尝试通过将机会与潜在买家的宏观目标联系起来来添加更多信息。如果成功完成的话,他们不仅会看到他们面前的绝佳机会,而且还可以看到它与公司的宏观目标保持一致。


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