
Typically, the前台(FO) in investment banking is the client-facing part of the firm and includes the roles which focus on working with and for clients, rather than in support, risk, compliance and operations roles. It is named because traditionally, the client-facing staff would be at the front of the business where they could be seen, and the support staff would be behind them at the back, unseen.





Common FO divisions include:



这FO has different meanings depending on the industry you are in. It has a different meaning in the finance industry compared to the sports or hotel industry.

In finance, specifically investment banking, the FO is the revenue generating part of the company. This division works directly with both individual and corporate clients and offers financial services and products, or helping clients raise capital and make trades.

In the sports industry, the FO contacts players to organize activities and events for players and teams. The staff in this division essentially have control of the whole team and as such bring in revenue by planning events.

In the hotel business, FO staff help customers directly when they check in and out, as well as addressing any complaints or problems the customer may have during their stay. A receptionist is typically stationed at the FO and confirms reservations with customers and answers any questions they may have.


正面,中间和后台are all公司整体成功所需的业务重要领域。通常,FO直接与客户合作。bobapp下载链接化管理这中间办公室manages risk, IT resources, andoverall corporate strategy。这后台is there to support the operations of the前台和中间办公室并包括人力资源,会计和行政助理等功能。bob电子竞技大赛

这中间办公室's primary responsibilities are to support the FO. They do this by providing IT resources, ensuring compliance procedures are followed, managing risk, and providing legal support. The middle office has become especially important after the 2008 great金融危机和那里越来越强调合规性和风险管理的重要性。中后办公室倾向于在某些责任领域重叠,因此可以在同一水桶中分类。


组织,通常是金融服务公司,是bobapp下载链接化管理转移办公室工作, and some middle office jobs overseas to save money. Companies are able to cut costs drastically by moving these jobs to countries with lower average salaries but still attracting educated and skilled workers. Common countries to export these jobs include India and Ireland.



  1. Do well in your middle or back office role without complaining
  2. 在您的公司内部和外部在其他金融公司的内部和外部进行网络,以在前台建立关系
  3. 开发必要的财务建模技巧为了证明您可以跑步
  4. Prepare for informational interviewslike they are finalsuperdays因此,如果他们确实在技术上测试您,您可以给他们留下深刻的印象


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