
Is an accounting formula used to calculate the inventory value

Any business that sells physical products is going to need a way to deal with inventory efficiently. Generally, inventory deals with any goods to be sold, whether they were purchased directly from the manufacturer or produced in-house.


One of the most effective methods that are commonly used by businesses is the weighted average cost method (WAC).


The WAC method is a method used in accounting to determine the amount that goes into the商品成本((公司GS)和使用加权平均值的库存。


WAC is usually used to assign the average cost of production to a good and is most commonly used when inventory items are intermingled to the point where it becomes difficult to assign a specific cost to an individual unit.

WAC may also be used when the accounting system in place is not sufficiently sophisticated to trackFIFO(首先,首次出局)或LIFO(最后,首先)库存估值或库存项极度商品化到无法为单个单位分配成本的地步。


The value of the weighted average cost method gives a picture of the cost somewhere between the oldest and newest units purchased into inventory. Likewise, the COGS will display a cost somewhere in the middle of the oldest and newest units that were sold during the period.


BothGAAPIFRS接受加权平均成本方法作为一种可接受的方法inventory valuationmethod.




  • 可出售的商品成本:


Beginning Inventory Value + Cost of Goods Purchased = Costs of Goods Available for Sale


  • Units Available for sale:

可供出售的单位是一个由企业可以出售的单位数量或单位库存 +购买单位总数组成的度量。

The WAC per unit formula looks like this:

WAC Per Unit = Cost of Goods Available / Units Available for Sale



WAC provides many benefits, such as:

  • Easy to understand the value of your inventory
  • 您不必在什么特定时间购买库存中的哪些物品以及它们的费用,从而使记录保存较少。
  • Less record keeping leads to more time for other business operations. More time spent on these other operations can lead to more money earned for the business.



The cost of goods available for sale is the cost of raw materials and labor that are put into the production and manufacturing processes of goods that a company has that are finished and ready and available to be sold.

Another way to understand this concept is that the cost of goods available for sale is the total cost of the inventory that is available for consumers to buy at the beginning of anaccounting period


齿轮是一个度量企业尝试时使用ing to determine a company's gross profit. The figure can help the business prepare for a specific amount of profit, influencing and motivating many business decisions.

For example, if a business expects to make $250,000 in profit this year, the business may elect to hire more employees or expand the workspace by moving office buildings.

When you allocate the cost of goods available, it is called acost flow assumption

There are three commonly used cost flow assumptions in accounting:

  • FIFO(首先,首次出局)
  • LIFO(后进先出)
  • WAC方法(加权平均成本法)



产品的开发成本必须在financial statements。Businesses aren't allowed to immediately deduct the full cost of inventory purchases against their taxable income. The solution is that the cost of inventories is deducted when sold.

The question is, when do they deduct the inventory purchases?


FIFO是一个accounting method用于库存评估,说首先获得或购买的资产是首先处置的。FIFO的目的是现金周转assumption.

对于FIFO而言,当出售这些商品之一时,将首先删除业务清单中最古老的(或首先)成本。然后,最古老的项目将在收入证明under the COGS figure.


LIFO, is another accounting method for inventory valuation used for recognizing the most recently produced items to be first expensed on the income statement.

使用LIFO通常会导致lower net income但可以是税收优势。




FIFOis usually the preferred method in times of rising prices because it allows for costs to be reported as low and reported income will be high. LIFO is usually the preferred method when tax rates are high because the reported cost will appear high, and income will be low.


Example of WAC vs. FIFO vs. LIFO


  • 100双鞋,每双$ 30 = $ 3,000。200双鞋子,每双$ 40 = $ 8,000。
  • 鞋子总数= 300对。

First in, first out (FIFO) cost:

  • Cost of goods sold= 50 * $ 30 = $ 1,500。
  • 剩余的库存成本=(50 * $ 30) +(200 * $ 40)= $ 10,500


  • Cost of goods sold = 50 * $40 = $2,000.
  • 剩余的库存成本=(100 * $ 30) +($ 150 * $ 40)= $ 9,000。


  • 鞋子的费用= $ 11,000 / 300 =每鞋$ 36.67
  • Cost of goods sold = $36.67 * 50 = $1,833.33
  • 剩余的库存成本= $ 36.67 * 250 = $ 9166.67


Using different inventory systems will yield different allocations of inventory costs. The two inventory systems used are periodic and perpetual.


Calculating WAC when using a periodic inventory system is probably the easiest out of the different inventory systems. It's pretty simple. The calculation is done at the end of the cycle, so all you have to do is figure out the total cost of goods available for sale and divide it by the number of units.

When using a periodic inventory system, it may be helpful to separate purchases from sales.

On the other hand, calculating WAC whenusing a perpetual inventory systemis probably the hardest method. Since you have to calculate a new weighted average cost for each sale based on the units available at that time, it can get really complex and time-consuming.







  • On January 21st, the company bought 100 more baseball bats at $45 each ($4,500).
  • 2月15日,该公司购买了50个蝙蝠,每只50美元(2,500美元)。
  • 3月2日,该公司以每人75美元的价格购买了175个蝙蝠(13,125美元)。


  • 2月底,该公司出售了75杆棒球棒
  • At the end of March, the company sold 50 baseball bats


When using the periodic inventory system, we must calculate the cost of goods available for sale and the baseball bats available for sale at the end of the first quarter:

WAC每棒球棒=(7,000 + 4,500 + 2,500 + 13,125) /(525)= $ 51.667



  • 125 * $ 51.667 = $ 6,458.38售出的商品成本
  • $ 27,125- $ 6,458 = $ 20,666.63结束库存



When using a perpetual inventory system, you will calculate the average before the sale of units

So, we would calculate the average before our first sales in February, and it would look like this:

WAC per baseball bat = ($7,000 + $4,500 + $2,500) / (350) = $40

For the sale of 75 baseball bats in February, the costs would be allocated as shown below:

  • 75 * $ 40 = $ 3,000出售的商品成本
  • $14,000 - $3,000 = $11,000 remaining in inventory

Then we need to calculate our average before the sales of March:

WAC per baseball bat = ($11,000 + $13,125) / 450 = $53.61


  • 50 * $ 53.61 = $ 2,680.56出售的商品成本
  • $ 24,124- $ 2,680.56 = $ 21,444.44结束库存


Comparing WAC methods under the periodic and perpetual inventory systems

So, as we see from the two different methods above, the type of inventory system you choose will affect your figures. The two figures affected above are the cost allocated to COGS and ending inventory.


We can see that in our example, the costs per baseball bat rose every month. In January, it cost $45 per bat, then $50 in February, and lastly $75 in March. This is a phenomenon calledprice appreciation


Because the periodic system uses the whole quarterly figure of costs of goods available for sale, more money ends up being allocated to COGS than in the perpetual system.





All products in inventory have barcodes and are able to be tracked all the way to sale through销售点technology. Through this technology, companies are now able to see all the information they need about products and more.


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