鬼?You will have the last laugh...


  1. 我的第一个股票研究采访。走了进去。面试了,是伟大的then ghosted. First interviewer was fired about two years later. Got another job at a different firm and was fired after another two years. Talked with me at an industry event years down the road and asked me for job leads. Kind of sad. Half-heartedly helped the dude out. Got to know the second interviewer in my years in the industry. Almost 5 or 6 years later, he offered me a job, I turned it down. Not out of spite, but because I had plenty of better opportunities.

  2. 接受了另一个位置。参加了三场独立的采访。第三次采访后被幽灵。同时,我的工作更好。4个月后,公司回来了,要求我第四次面试,候选人失败。我拒绝了。不到两年后,分析师被解雇了,我相信现在已经不在业内了。

  3. Interview with an investment bank. Went really well and got ghosted. Fast forward 5 years again. Same MD recently came to pitch a buy side mandate to our company. Let's just say that he didn't get it.

  4. 在另一家投资银行鬼影。公司一言不发后,公司从字面上回来了六个月,并让我再次面试。我拒绝了。银行继续推销我们的公司。快进了几年,小组陷入了困境。

这篇文章的重点是WSOusers feel better about some of theBS在招聘行为中。另一点是提醒像我这样的老年人总是以尊重的方式对待大三学生。如果您正在采访年轻,聪明和雄心勃勃的孩子,即使您不给他们职位,也要赔率。之后,他们将在其他时刻在交易的另一端工作,否则他们会加入PE您想在不久的将来试图投球的公司。此外,在这项业务中,您可能会在今天和明天的排水沟中站起来。即使是当今行业中可能没有人的人,也要善待桥梁尽可能少的桥梁。对我来说似乎是常识,但显然,考虑到许多人的经验,需要说WSO用户。

TLDR:不要不尊重人的强度rview process, the world is a small place.

EDIT: Given the comments below, I think some people are misunderstanding my post. I mean "last laugh" as a figure of speech. I don't mean that I'm literally waiting years and years holding onto grudges and waiting for someone's downfall. I could care less - I'm simply observing the outcome years down the road and how paths can cross again between a job candidate and an interviewer. In addition, you can be an interviewer one day in this business and easily find yourself a job candidate the next day. So, approach other candidates with some basic decency. As I noted in the post, I continue to take meetings with some of these MDs, one offered me a job years down the road once we got to know each other better, and I tried to help another one get a job. A person with a grudge does none of those things. I'm simply saying that if you ghost someone today, you're not starting on a good foot should you ever run into that person in the future and it's foolish to do in an industry which is a small world. For some strange (perhaps personal reason), a lot of commenters below seem to be angry at this fairly basic concept.

Comments (22

  • 投资经理HF-其他
2021年11月23日-12:55 PM

我了解您在说什么,并认为您的整体意图很好,但是我认为您缺少其中的一些标记。您的#3特别令人担忧(如果您让您对鬼影影响业务决策的情绪 - 这似乎是您的意思)。




2021年11月23日-2:12 pm

我了解您在说什么,并认为您的整体意图很好,但是我认为您缺少其中的一些标记。您的#3特别令人担忧(如果您让您对鬼影影响业务决策的情绪 - 这似乎是您的意思)。


Also, totally agree on your second part of your comments. Just move on with your life and be successful. That said, if you treat people in the industry with disrespect, don't be surprised if it comes back to you. That's all I'm saying. Not trying to hold a vendetta against someone. Note I mentioned helping one of the interviewers earlier.

2021年11月23日-3:14 pm



  • Analyst 1IB-M&A
2021年11月25日 - 8:09 PM


  • Analyst 1IB -COV
2021年11月23日 - 下午6:44


  • 投资经理HF-其他
2021年11月23日-7:02 pm


2021年11月23日- 7:40pm




2021年11月24日-2:29 PM


2021年11月24日 - 7:20 pm



And remember you haven't even gotten a job yet. Imagine what things are like behind the scenes. Do they do that with clients? You don't even work with them yet and they are willing to passively give you the middle finger after you have spent time preparing to interview with them. Not cool. Definitely move on and seek a sense of justice by being a more successful professional then they will ever be.

2021年11月24日-7:58 pm

Seems you take being ghosted personally, and in reality it almost never is. I would understand if this post was made by a student applying for a summer job and hasn't been through many interview processes, but holding grudges years into your career clearly shows lack of emotional intelligence / maturity. The idea of "getting the last laugh" because someone didn't reply to your follow-up is pretty childish.

所有面试都意味着要代表的是两个政党在专业环境中汇聚在一起,以查看是否合适 - 如果您提供的内容匹配了组织正在寻找的东西(反之亦然),那么您就被录用了。如果没有,任何一方都可以选择走开 - 我想强调这一点,因为这从来不是单方面的决定。我发现关于您的帖子的最琐碎的是,您将候选人(或在被“被“鬼魂”)联系到代理商而不是组织。让我们面对现实吧 - 潜在的工作机会不会出于多种原因(更好的候选人,糟糕的时机,招聘冻结,众多访问者中的一个不喜欢您的领带等),其中许多是您的(更重要的是,对方的控制。

I get there's "professional etiquette", but the world doesn't operate under a strict book of rules and there's no point of losing sleep over it. All you get from getting back at someone is a mental win that lasts 5 seconds - if that's what makes you happy, you do you and no one can change that. I operate with the perspective that life moves on, and if this opportunity doesn't pan out move onto the next one. Have to say I've been pretty happy.

2021年11月24日至8:20 PM


It's not a fun thing to do writing those kinds of emails but it IS almost the definiton of emotional maturity. Don't treat people like disposal objects. And don't throww a hissy fit when you realize that some of those people may not think highly off you when you come pitching a deal to them 5 years down the road. That's a normal human reaction.

There is no person out there who treats others like shit and is emotionally mature buddy. Stop trying to normalize bad behavior.


2021年11月24日至8:29 PM

Your post makes a lot of assumptions to the poster and then end by self congratulating your point of view with some sort of sense of self righteousness.


  • 常务董事PE-其他
Nov 25, 2021 - 7:45pm

I wholeheartedly agree with this post (But please note that the following comments are mine alone and not trying to represent ops views). For those of you who want to lick everyone's ass no matter what in this business, you are part of the problem and while it may help you in some instances, it likely won't help in any significant way. When someone acts like I dick I take notice and others do too, and we def compare notes. It it's funny to watch the smug eat shit, it is what it is.



  • 投资经理HF-其他
2021年11月25日 - 晚上8:15


  • 常务董事PE-其他
Nov 26, 2021 - 7:03pm

我的观点并没有完全与幽灵联系在一起,我期望您的评论 - 在某种程度上,我同意,人力资源对与候选人进行仔细沟通的球有一些人,所以我明白了,但这仍然很差。

Nov 26, 2021 - 3:28am

Autem suscipit dolorem aut est dolorum explicabo maxime. Optio et debitis totam reiciendis illum aspernatur molestias. Officia aliquid aut totam. Ratione repudiandae quaerat est eos vero sapiente. Voluptas eveniet in sunt autem hic. Dolor voluptates qui sed qui ut.

Cumque mollitia et recusandae pariatur nemo. Eos voluptates explicabo iure omnis corrupti at deleniti. Eum placeat non dolore eos natus vitae et. Molestias cum repellat corporis aspernatur sequi labore.

odit temporibus inventore quod autem quis placeat. Debitis maiores ut non placeat iste sint. Ut et corporis qui eos ipsum qui eaque. Eveniet qui voluptatem quidem ducimus.

SINT RERUM ENIM TENETUR QUIA TEMPORE VELIT AUPEM ELIGENDI。qui qui qui numquam eapation magni rem。Alias Dolores rerum esse aut perferendis et enim quos。Eligendi Reacturate voluptate sit Nisi iure id。

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